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Join The Lalu

For a solid travel itinerary, you can pick and choose, based on prices and hours, from our recommended lists of attractions carefully selected for the season. Visit Lalu for a seven-star once-in-a-lifetime encounter.
With 15 years’ experience in hotel management and serving experience, Lalu has received many world-class premier five-star evaluations and recognition and has stipulated up to 7,500 standard operation procedures. Not only is it praised as “Taiwan’s most beautiful hotel”, “the top-notch hotel”, “the most romantic holiday destination”, and “the epitome of minimalist architecture”, but it has also been voted online as “the must-visit-once-in-a-lifetime hotel” and has become the new holiday landmark that worldwide travelers would love to visit the most.
If hotels are the embodiment of architectural art, the beauty of Lalu is beyond any artistic hotel, but contains infinite treasures that will restore serenity and reconnect you with nature, impart beauty, and enrich your life. We hope that while here you can fulfill your ambition, experience high-end culture and life quality, while creating extraordinary excellence amid guests’ interactions.